Global History Online
Symposium in commemoration of the Executive Committee Meeting
of the International Economic History Association at Kyoto
Multiple Paths of Economic Development in Global History
8th to 9th November 2008 Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
DAY 1 November 8th
Opening Remarks by Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)
Session 1: Asian Perspectives
Chairperson: Om Prakash (University of Delhi, India)
Kaoru Sugihara (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Multiple Paths of Economic Development in Global History
Li Bozhong (Tsinghua University, China)
China’s National Markets, 1550-1840
Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Features of Economic Development in Early Modern India
Discussion including comments by Li Tana (Australian National University and CSEAS) and Kazuko Furuta (Keio University)
Session 2: European Perspectives
Chairperson: Gianni Toniolo (Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy)
Jan Luiten van Zanden (International Institute of Social History/Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
The Road to the Industrial Revolution: Hypotheses and Conjectures about the Medieval Origins of the‘European Miracle’
Joerg Baten (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
Multiple Paths of Global Height Developments, 1810-1984
Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
Forest History and the Great Divergence: China, Japan and the West
Discussion including comments by Kohei Wakimura (Osaka City University and CSEAS)
Speech by Akira Hayami (Professor Emeritus, Keio University, and member of the Executive Committee, IEHA, 1986-1998)
DAY 2 November 9th
Session 3: Japanese, Russian and Latin American Perspectives
Chairperson: Richard Sutch (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Tetsuji Okazaki and Masaki Nakabayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Agrarian Land Tenancy in Prewar Japan: Contract Choice and Implications on Productivity
Yury Petrov (Central Bank of Russian Federation, Russia)
Import of Machines to the Russian Empire, Latter Half of the XIX-Early XX Century: A Global Factor of the Russian Industrialization
Kerstin Manzel (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
Long run Development of Human Capital in Latin America, 17th to 20th Centuries
Discussion including comments by Catherine Schenk (University of Glasgow, UK) and Luis Bértola (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Session 4: Conceptual Frameworks
Chairperson: Riitta Hjerppe (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Beverly Lemire (University of Alberta, Canada)
The Great Refashioning of Europe: Global Trade, Needle-Crafts and Gendered Material Culture,1500-1800
Christopher Lloyd (University of New England, Australia)
The End or Beginning of the Era of Regulatory State Capitalism? The 2008 Crisis in the context of the Historical Evolution of Regimes of Capitalist Regulation
Discussion including comments by George Souza (University of Texas, San Antonio, and CSEAS) and Grietjie Verhoef (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
Session 5: General Discussion
Led by Shigeru Akita, Osamu Saito and Kaoru Sugihara
Concluding Remarks by Kosuke Mizuno (Director, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Cross-Regional Chains in Global History: Europe-Asia Interface through Commodity and Information Flows
Session I: How global is the world history studies? : Traditional historiography and global history
Patrick O’Brien (LSE, UK)
Global History for Global Citizenship
Comments: Masayuki Sato (Yamanashi University), Zhang Weiwei (Nankai University, China)
Wolfgang Schwentker (Osaka University): 11:20―13:00
World History Writing in Post-War Japan: Eguchi Bokuro and his Legacy
Comments: Minoru Kawakita (Kyoto Sangyo University), Shingo Minamizuka (Housei University and Institute of World History)
Session II: How universal is the European experience?: European commodity and information flows in the “long eighteenth–century”
Cle Lesger (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
The Printing Press and the Rise of the Amsterdam Information Exchange around 1600
Pierrick Pourchasse (Brest University, France)
French Trade, the Role of the Authorities and the Control of Information: Two Contradictory Examples
Toshiaki Tamaki (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Fiscal-Military State, Diaspora of Merchants and Economic Development in Early Modern Northern Europe: Diffusion of Information and its Connections with Commodities
Comment: Masaki Nakabayashi (Osaka University)
Session III: How global was long-distance trade? : Global commodity and information flows in the “long eighteenth–century”
Om Prakash (Delhi School of Economics, India)
Asian Commodity Flows and the Rise of an Early Modern World Economy
George Bryan Souza (University of Texas, San Antonio, USA)
Global Commodities and Commerce in the Early Modern World: the case of Sri Lankan Cinnamon
Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)
Information and the Colonial Transformation of South India
Comment: Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University)
Session IV: How did East Asia respond to globalisation?: Development of commodity chains and information networks in the 20th-century East Asia
Tomoko Hashino (Kobe University)
Information Strategy by Government and Response of Weaving Districts: Expansion of Silk Fabric Export from the late 19th to 20th century Japan
Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)
The East Asian International Economic Order and the Sterling Area from the 1930s to the 1950s
Toru Kubo (Shinshu University)
Development of Cotton Industry in Postwar Hong Kong and Taiwan
Comment: Kazuko Furuta (Keio University)
Session V: How are we really connected ?: Global history and the contemporary world
Steven Topik (University of California, Irvine, USA)
A Caffeinated Perspective of Cross-regional Chains in Global History: The Creation of the World Coffee Market
Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)
Western Europe, East Asia and the Tropics in Global Economic Development
Comment: Norihisa Yamashita (Ritsumeikan University)
Global History and Chinese History
Kent G. Deng (London School of Economics)
Miracle or Mirage : Foreign Silver, China’s Economy and Globalization from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries
Comment: Akinobu Kuroda 黒田明伸(University of Tokyo 東京大学)
Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (University of Vienna)
World History and Chinese History: 20th Century Chinese Historiography between Universality and Particularity
Comment: Shin Kawashima 川島 真(University of Tokyo 東京大学)
Wolfgang Schwentker (Osaka University)
The Growth of the Mega-cities in the Twentieth century
Toru Kubo 久保 亨(Shinshu University 信州大学)
Development of Cotton Industry in Postwar Hong Kong and Taiwan
Kaoru Sugihara 杉原 薫(Kyoto University 京都大学)
Energy Use and the East Asian Path of Economic Development
Co-organized with NPO-IF Research Institute of World History and the Research Group on the 1980s
Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (University of Vienna)
World History and Chinese History: 20th Century Chinese Historiography between Universality and Particularity
Comment: Toru Kubo 久保 亨(Shinshu University 信州大学)
Kent G. Deng (London School of Economics)
The State and Market in China’s Traditional Maritime Sector
Comment: Atsushi Aoki 青木 敦 (Osaka University 大阪大学)
「ロシア外交における「多極化世界の構築」とアジア太平洋-対中国、東南アジ ア政策を中心に-」
朱 瀛泉(南京大学国際関係学院教授)
(中国語通訳:許 衛東 大阪外国語大学)
朱 東芹(中国華僑大学華僑研究所副教授)
Zhu Yingquan朱 瀛泉(南京大学国際関係学院、歴史学部)
Economic Globalization and International Relations(経済全球化与国際関係)
コメント:久保 亨(信州大学)
Norihisa Yamashita 山下範久(Hokkaido University 北海道大学)
From World-System Analysis to Global History
コメント:秋田 茂(大阪大学)
Zhu Yingquan朱 瀛泉(南京大学国際関係研究院)
Economic Globalization and International Relations(経済全球化与国際関係)
Maritime Trade and Trading Metropoles: Europe and Asia, 17th to 20th Centuries
Hamburg, 30-31 August 2006
Held at Museum fur die Geschichte der Stadt Hamburg, Holstenwall 24, 20355 Hamburg.
Organised by PD Dr Frank Hatje, Prof Toshiaki Tamaki and Dr Klaus Weber, in cooperation with Prof Dr Franklin Kopitzsch
(Arbeitsstelle fur Hamburgische Geschichte, Universitat Hamburg) and Wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Forschungsstelle (Hamburg)
Franklin Kopitzsch (Universitat Hamburg): Key Note Lecture
Session I: Economy and Political Order in Europe and Asia
Shigeru Akita 秋田 茂 (Osaka University 大阪大学)
The International Order of Asia and Hong Kong in the 1930s and 1950s from a Comparative Perspective
Toshiaki Tamaki 玉木俊明 (Kyoto Sangyo University 京都産業大学)
A Tale of Three Cities ? Amsterdam, London, and Hamburg: Dutch Contributions to the Growth of European Economy
Tsukasa Mizushima 水島 司 (University of Tokyo 東京大学)
The Development of a Port City and Its Impact on Indian Economy: Pondicherry in the mid-18th Century
Session II: Merchant Networks Going East & Going West
Takashi Oishi 大石高志 (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies 神戸市立外国語大学)
Reaching Kobe, Japan, Along the Chain of Colonial Ports and Settlements: Intra-regional Networks of Indian Merchants from the 1880s to the 1930s
Margrit Schulte Beerbuhl (Universitat Dusseldorf), Klaus Weber (The Rothschild Archive, London)
Central Europe’s Informal Atlantic Empire? German Merchants in London, Cadiz, Bordeaux and the Caribbean (c. 1650 - 1850)
Jorun Poettering (Universitat Hamburg)
Hamburg’s 17th-Century Admiralty Toll-Books: Investigating the City’s Foreign Merchants
Session III: Imperial and Neutral Maritime Ports
Miki Suguira 杉浦未樹 (Tokyo International University 東京国際大学)
The Merchants’ Divisions of Functions and Specialization in Early Modern Amsterdam in a Comparative Perspective
Silvia Marzagalli (Universite de Nice)
Strengths and Weaknesses of 18th-century Atlantic trade: the Case of Bordeaux
Frank Hatje (Universitat Hamburg)
Liberty, Neutrality, and Trade: Hamburg, 17th to 19th Centuries
America’s Wars and the Making of the World Order
Satoru Mori 森 聡(University of Tokyo 東京大学大学院)
The Vietnam War’s Impact on the Special Relationship: Johnson-Wilson Years
Andrew Rotter (Colgate University)
Just and Unjust Wars: The American Experience, 1892-2004
Robert McMahon(Ohio State University)
The Impact of the Korean War and the American Order in East Asia
Takeshi Matsuda 松田 武(Osaka University of Foreign Studies 大阪外国語大学)
Cold War Politics, Racism and 'Soft Power'
Hideki Kan 菅 英輝(Seinan Jogakuin University 西南女学院大学)
The Cold War and the Nixon Administration’s Initiative for Sino-American Rapproachment
Masaaki Gabe 我部政明(Ryukyu University 琉球大学)
The U.S.-Japan Security Relation and the Cold War in Asia
Hiroshi Matsuoka 松岡 完(University of Tsukuba 筑波大学)
The Vietnam War and the American Order
Jan Luiten van Zanden(Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in China, Japan, and Europe
Osamu Saito 斎藤 修(Hitotsubashi University 一橋大学)
Wages and Incomes as Indicators of the Standard of Living: Early Modern England and Japan Compared
コメント:山本千映 (関西大学)、尾高煌之助(法政大学)
Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Girlpower: The European Marriage Pattern (EMP) and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period
コメント:斎藤 修(一橋大学)
Toru Kubo 久保 亨 (Shinshu University 信州大学)
History of East Asian Cotton Industry in the 20th Century
コメント:秋田 茂 (大阪大学)
Global History and Asia/Europe
Juergen Osterhammel (University of Constanz)
"Civilization" and the "Civilizing Mission" as Keys to Nineteenth-Century World
コメント:Wolfgang Schwentker (Osaka University)
Kaoru Sugihara 杉原 薫(Osaka University 大阪大学)
The Emergence of a Resource-saving Path of Economic Development in East Asia
コメント: Shigeru Akita 秋田 茂 (Osaka University 大阪大学)
Robert Bickers (University of Bristol)
Shanhailanders and others: British communities on the China coast, 1843-1954
コメント:Toru Kubo 久保 亨(Shinshu University 信州大学)
Tsukasa Mizushima 水島 司(University of Tokyo 東京大学)
Institution as Social Grammer: Colonial Land System in India and Malaysia
コメント:Tomotaka Kawamura 川村朋貴 (Toyama University 富山大学)
Globalization in Northeast Asia in the 20th Century
Part 1. From the Harbin Station: Globalization goes West
David Wolff (Woodrow Wilson Center, USA and Seikei University)
From Regional to Global: The 20th Century History of Soy as a Commodity
Takako Ueda 上田貴子 (Kinki University 近畿大学)
Chinese network in Northeast Asia: Its growth, decline and revival
Part 2 To the Harbin Station: Globalization comes East
David Wolff (Woodrow Wilson Center, USA and Seikei University)
To the Harbin Station, 1898-1920
Global History in Asian Perspectives
2003 年9月16-17日、富山:自遊館、魚津:新川文化ホール
Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)
Global History and South Asian Networks
Andrew Porter (KLC, University of London)
Britain's Empire and Globalization
Seiichirou Yoshizawa (University of Tokyo)
Some Aspects of Global History in the Recent Historiographies on China
Toshiyuki Miyata (Tenri University)
Tan Kim Ching and Siam "Garden Rice": The Rice Trade between Singapore and Siam in the late Nineteenth Century
Shigeru Akita (Osaka University of Foreign Studies)
From Imperial History to Global History: Searching for History of Economic Relations