Global History Online

第77回Global History Seminar
日時: 2019年2月23日(土)15:00-18:00
場所: 待兼山会館・特別会議室
講師: Wolfgang Schwentker (大阪大学人間科学研究科)
„Exploring the Poverty of Others: Kuwata Kumazô, European Labour and Japanese Social Reform, 1895-1925“
Kuwata Kumazô 桑田熊蔵 (1868-1932) was a conservative social reformer, co-founder of the 社会政策学会. He spent many years in Europe and published various books on the European labor movements, especially in Britain. As an expert for the solution of social problems he contributed to the first Japanese factory law of 1911. During the war he visited Russia and after 1920 he reported from Europe about the revolutions in Germany and Hungary and the rise of Mussolini.
コメント: 山本千映 (大阪大学)
日時:2019年2月16日(土)12:00-17:00 (予定)
講師:羽田 正(東京大学副学長) その他
第76回Global History Seminar
日時: 2019年2月11日(月)14:00-17:00
場所: 法学部本館1F・セミナー室B
宋志勇(法学研究科/中国・南開大学)「中日共同歴史研究と九一八事変後日本の対中政策再認識」 (コメンテーター:法学研究科・瀧口剛)
第75回Global History Seminar
日時: 2019年1月9日(水)16:30-18:30
場所: 文学研究科・本館2階・史学共同研究室(本館の南西隅)
講師: 李 伯重
(Chair Professor of Humanities at Peking University, China)
”The End of the Silk Road”
第74回Global History Seminar
日時: 2019年1月8日(火)16:00-18:30
場所: 文学研究科・本館2階・大会議室
(1)Mridula Mukherjee
(Professor of Modern Indian History (Retd.) Centre for Historical Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University)
"Global Implications of the Indian Understanding of and Resistance to Colonialism"
(2)Aditya Mukherjee
(Professor of Contemporary History Centre for Historical Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University)
"The Great Divergence and the 19th Century World"
第73回Global History Seminar
Organizer Ohashi Atsuko (Nagoya University)
日時: 2018年12月4日(火)16:00-18:00
場所: 文学研究科・本館2階・大会議室
講師: Vu Duc Liem
(Hanoi National University of Education, University of Hamburg)
”State and Society in Early Nineteenth Century Vietnam: The Quest for a New History "
第72回Global History Seminar
日時: 2018年11月6日(火)16:30-18:30
場所: 文学研究科・本館2階・大会議室
講師: A.G. Hopkins
(Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge and University of Texas, Austin)
”Rethinking the American Empire"
第71回Global History Seminar
日時: 2018年7月13日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: 文学研究科・本館2階・史学共同研究室(本館の南西隅)
講師: 山田雅彦
「 11-12世紀フランス王国の貨幣と地域秩序ー北フランスの諸事例からー」
第70回Global History Seminar
日時: 2018年6月29日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科(豊中キャンパス)本館2階・大会議室
講師: Sun Laichen
"Vietnamese Guns and Chinese Warfare (1550-1683): A Global Approach"
第69回Global History Seminar
日時: 2018年5月17日(木)16:00-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科(豊中キャンパス)中庭会議室
Prof. Alessandro Stanziani
(フランス社会科学高等研究院 ・教授、東京大学東洋文化研究所・客員教授)
”Before the Great Transformation: small units, labor intensive growth and aristocratic-
bourgeois societies, 18th-19th centuries"
第68回Global History Seminar
HEKKSAGON 2018 Osaka Conference related Workshop
“Global Perspectives on the History of Europe and Asia”
Date: 12th April 2018 (Thursday) 9:00—17:00
Venue: Convention Center, Meeting Room 1 (1F),
Osaka University (Suita campus)
・The Early Modern World from Global Perspectives
Chair: Shigeru Akita (Osaka University) 9:00-11:30
(1) Nikolas Jaspert (University of Heidelberg)
“Conversions to Islam in the Medieval Mediterranean”
(2) Dominic Sachsenmeier (Goettingen University)
Between Hegemonies. Global Perspectives on 17th-Century Chinese Catholicism"
(3) Daisuke Furuya (Osaka University)
Comment: Kojiro Taguchi (Osaka University)
Lunch (11:30-12:30 at Ichou-Kaikan)
・The Twentieth-Century Transformation of the International Order of Asia in the 1930s-1950s
Chair: Harald Fuess (University of Heidelberg) 13:00-17:00 (including tea)
(1) Takuma Melber(University of Heidelberg)
“Asia and Europe under Japanese and German occupation in World War II – a short comparison”
(2) Hiroaki Adachi (Tohoku University)
(3) Yasuko-Hassall-Kobayashi (Osaka University)
“We need a command of Japanese! - Flows of knowledge between Japan and Australia during WWII”
(4) Tatsushi Fujihara (Kyoto University)
“Rice Varieties Developed in the Japanese Empire 1930s-1950s”
Comment: Christopher Craig (Tohoku University)
Steven Ivings (Kyoto University)
Organized by Graduate School of Letters and Global History Division, Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiative (OTRI), Osaka University
Contact: Shigeru Akita
第67回Global History Seminar
日時: 2018年3月9日(金)15:00-18:00
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科(豊中キャンパス)中庭会議室
(1)Prof. Dane Kennedy (George Washington University, US)
“Mobility, Cross-Cultural Networks, and the Struggle for Postcolonial Sovereignty”
(2)Prof. Bala Chandran
(Genēve Institute for International Relations and Development, Switzerland)
“History's global turn: perspectives from rim and region”
第66回Global History Seminar
Osaka-NTU Global History Workshop & Preparation for Book Publication:
“Changing Dynamics and Mechanisms of Maritime Asia in Comparative Perspectives”
場所:大阪大学豊中キャンパス 待兼山会館 特別室