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The Second Korean-Japanese Conference of British History

Intellectual Framework, Education and a Birth of 'History' in Modern Britain



Sponsored by: Haskins Society Japan

Korean-Japanese Forum for the Study of British History(韓日英国史研究フォーラム)

The 21st Century COE Project of Osaka University: “Interface humanities” And Grant-in Aid (B) on Global History Project, Osaka University


Introduction: Hirokazu Tsurushima 鶴島博和 (Kumamoto University 熊本大学 & Haskins Society Japan)


Session One: Intellectual framework

Seungrae Cho (Chongju University)

Two Rival Views of Liberty in Early Modern Britain


Rie Tomita 富田理恵(Tokai Women’s University 東海女子大学)

Seventeenth Century Revolutions in Scottish Parliamentary Acts


Tarou Inai 井内太郎(Hiroshima University 広島大学)

The King’s two bodies in Tudor Monarchy


Woon-Ok Yeom (Hanyang University)

Making a ‘Social Body’ and Gender: Edwin Chadwick's 1842 Sanitary Report



Session Two: Institutionalization of Education

Young-Suk Lee (Gwangju University)

Disputes on Examination and Intellectuals in the Late Victorian Age


Yoshihito Yasuhara 安原義仁(Hiroshima University 広島大学)

The Social Origins and Post-Graduate Careers of Cambridge Senior Wranglers 1748-1909


Joong-Lak Kim ( Kyungpook National University)

The Institutionalization of Higher Education for Women in Cambridge,1870-1948


Sung-Sook Lee (Hanyang Univ.ersity)

Education and Gender Equality in Britain, 1840-1902



Session Three: A birth of ‘History’

William M. Aird (University of Cardiff)

Edward A Freeman's Methods of Historical Study


Comment by Hirokazu Tsurushima 鶴島博和 (Kumamoto University 熊本大学)

Mr John Horace Round (1854-1928) and his attack against Professor Freeman; Science or Description


Sangsoo Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

The Relationship between History and Literature: Intertextuality and Agency




'Time, Space, and Economic Institutions of Early-Modern Maritime Asia'



R. Bin Wong (UCLA Asia Institute)

Maritime Asia in the Longue Duree: Institutional Change in Regional Focus


George Bryan Souza (National University of Singapore)

A Global History of the Political Economy of Commerce and Commodities in Asia and the Early Modern World? An Introduction






Lars Magnusson (Upsala University, Sweden)

Proto-industrialization in Sweden: Context and consequences


コメント:斉藤 修(一橋大学)

‘Proto-industrialization’in the light of a recent debate in global economic history





Ilya V. Gaiduk (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World History)

The Cold War: New Approaches, New Documents

コメント:菅 英輝(西南女学院大学)





Antony G.Hopkins (University of Texas, Austin)

Interactions between the Universal and the Local

コメント:秋田 茂(大阪大学)





Pierrick Pourchasse (University of Bretagne, France)

The Consulates, an essential Service for the World of Trade: A Comparative Approach between France and Scandinavia



Wolfgang Schwentker (Osaka University)

Globalization and Historiography: Themes, Methods and the Critique of Global History

コメント:秋田 茂(大阪大学)






Harriet T. Zurndorfer (University of Leiden)

Science without Modernization: China’s First Encounter with Useful and Reliable Knowledge from Europe

コメント:片山 剛(大阪大学)






Paul Kratoska (National University of Singapore)

How the British altered the ecology of Irrawaddy Delta                                            


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